Absolutely true that most of the challenges, problems, and ill forms of circumstances has an expiration period, yet some things certainly do not have expiration. For clear cut, a good music doesn’t have an expiration date and recognize as evergreen, a good book has no expiration period, which is why […]
As most of the can foods, drinks, and other preservative items in cans has a date of manufacture, and date of expire labelled on it, not only that, even drugs, and other things expire too. Applicable, our problems, challenges, and failure has it date of beginning and expiration date. But […]
ake or leave it, Man was purposely created by the Creator and assigned as a caretaker to look over all the things of creation, with the instruction to have dominion over all and a giving privilege to name things and animals, and to offer physical and emotion care toward all. […]
Nothing wastes time in life than trying to narrate who you are or your plans to the people who are too busy to understand you or reciprocate your attention. As a matter of forwardness, it is important and helpful to realize that-not everyone you lose is a loss, there are […]
Once you carry your own water, you’ll remember every drop –African Proverb The worst that can happen to anyone is by paying attention to what other do or not do, it is none of your business, until we take responsibility for our own live through action and deed, and go […]
An adage says, the lifetime of every individual an collectively unfold in three stages” Thus, it refreshing to remind you that life comes by and goes by as days come and go, and each day signifies a page in life. However, life is segmented into pages from one event to […]
Ironically, Until Some Africans Had To Lie Or Deceive Others Before Meal Could Be Place On The Table, It’s A Continuous Task That Ought To Be Done And Also A Life Routine To Act Upon By Many Africans. Though, There Are Better And Decent Means To Get Feed Without Having […]
As it is obvious that whatever thing you throw into the ocean of lives is what it will vomit back to you on the shore of your life. applicable to every one, they will be awarded according to the measure of their actions. what you do is what you get, […]
Ironically as love diminishes constantly these days among humanity in general, it is all about me, myself, and J. And the quest for materialism has so much craved into the heart of people that they don’t even care about their fellow human being. The peril of present time is that […]
The future has no reward for anyone who set their today in idleness, but to compensate those who invest in today to labor. To sow in labor today is the biggest reward anyone will definitely harvest later in life. Because whatever we embark on to do today will but reflect […]