It does not matter how much materialism you possess, nor high figure your bank account, or how many modern houses and cars you acquired, A time will definitely come when those things becomes obsolete, even money has wings and vulnerable to fly away at any point in time if being mismanage. Remember, all the latest and en vogue automobile of twentieth century has now became outdated. And the sophisticated electronics that dominate about ten years ago can no longer match with the devices in present stores. Just as time passes by, so are the materialism things we possess gradually diminish in value. Even, castle crumbles in the passing away of time. Therefore, let not place our heart, trust, and confidence in them, but as things of necessity, rather than luxury. Thank you.
- Stream of Wisdom
- December 19, 2022
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Dear God, time memorial tells about how you restored back life to dead man [Lazarus] of about four days.
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