The spirit has given us life, He must also control our lives. We must not be proud or irritate one another or be jealous of one another. Galatians 5:25-26

Man was made by God and program to have desires, but how often do we see men being driven by uncontrolled desires. And any uncontrollable desire would likely lead to self destruction. However, Man’s desire ought to be subject to the men, but what rampant these days are men that are ruled and dominate by their desires. People, however, desire power, fame, love, wealth, prosperity, promotion, etc, even life, above anything else. And on the long run its come easier for them to steep on a fast or slow descent to destruction. For crystal cut, David’s uncontrollable desire led him to commit adultery and murder, 2 Samuel 11.His desire drove him to sin and in the process of covering up the first error more sin (Murder) was committed. Baffles enough, People are driven by desire for power, desire for wealth, desire for fame’s they throw caution to the wind and embrace the devil to achieve their aims. Mirror as they said, is a miraculous invention; without it you would not know how beautiful we look like. Similarly, you also need a mirror for your desires, training your mind to not to let your desire for something get into your head. Be conscious and observant about yourself and you will avoid a mountain blunders. Be sure to weigh your desire before you create channel to get it accomplish.

As a matter of reality, Not every desire must be met, some attractive desires are evil, and we must desist from evil desires, such as covet, stealing, fornicate, fraud, among many others, it leads to destruction. So therefore, we must sometimes be willing to get rid of the things we desire, so as to have the things that God has desire for us to have. Hence, it is essential to at times forget what you desire and remember what you deserve. Finally, A child of God must always learn to subdue ungodly desires, and put his/her entire being under subjection to be able to say NO to sin.


Be sure to weigh your desire before you create the channel to get it accomplish.


  1. Get rid of every ungodly desires that lies in the bosom of your heart.
  2. Determine not to be governed by ungodly desire


O LORD, Deliver me from the power of lust, and saturate my entire being with the grace to continually subdue my desirous. Amen


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