If you spend your time sleeping, you will be poor. Keep busy and you will have plenty to eat. Proverb 20:13
In today’s study we are admonished not to love sleep. It does not mean that we shouldn’t sleep but that we should not dedicate all our time to sleep and leisure. When you keep your fingers across without involvement in any work, poverty will come upon you with no mercy. I have come to a realization of realistic that; most people who sleep when others were busy working, and still sleep while others were sleeping, will have to later work by the time others are sleeping and still work as others are working, to save him or herself from the calamity of poverty. Most times: for God to bless you, demand you ought to first sow, only then will He bless the work of your hand to yield more abundance. If you fail to sow, then what will God bless for increase.
There is an attractive dividend in hard works, work was ordained by God to make life worthwhile. Frantically, Man was created for productivity, and whenever a man refuses to produce, he starts decaying. There is always something one can do to be useful to oneself and the society. Search and track down your God’s given talent, and set it into usage, it will not only put food on the table, but, would promote you out of financial relegation, to an ecstasy of financial stability. Do not accept the deficiency of the country economic, or what people foist on you to deprive you from recreate yourself and forge a work for yourself. In conclusion, do not forget that time is precious, manage well your time, and reap the reward therein. An idle hand is devil workshop.
Search and track down and exhibit your God’s given talent.
- Ask God for clear revelation on what you ought to do in case you are confused.
- Move out in search for work.
LORD, I thank you for the strength and power you grant unto me to overcome any form of laziness.